mina mori and what her family did after her death? yeah, that was just there are some stories that that, you know, that as you report some people that you spend time with, they just they just get inside your heart, you know? and this is one of those that that i just sit with that i live with that, you know. and i wanted to go to japan for very reason. it's like we the west, we hear about, you know, the occasional currency death that seems so unusual and so outrageous. and people tend think, well, that's just over there. that's a different culture that could never happen here. and i wanted to go and really understand that. is that right? is that the samurai culture? and i found that that's that wasn't the case at all. and actually, if you look here in the united, we have a lot of what i call currency, but we don't recognize it. we don't track it the way the japanese government does. we don't a word for it, but we have as much work stress and demands of long work hours in many of the professions that they do. japan, we have the same, yo