in may last year a young domestic worker from minbar had a terrifying fall from the night floor of this block of flats in singapore. her employer whom we will call john can still remember that day. a bouncer touch you said this old king cole told us yellow us some thoughts on to us sunlight a soul. what you call the skate hustle gene not touch a book i sing. on book i sing about how to part of tom why joe says i see i see our. whole job all know. the girl who john knows s. ten ten was severely injured and is lucky to be a life. full was broken by a covered walkway two stories down john says he was initially very angry about what she'd done but then he found out something shocking from the myanmar embassy tintin was just fifteen years old. what's and. you know it didn't. type in the two and clearly and it assumes that it sounds cool i see. no harm in the sincerity of what's in this whole sorry straight outs and outs on when pete foss and. john and his wife hired tin-tin through a singapore an employment agency asset recruitment according to this information sheet prepared by the company