the fragile shoots mincey is often joined by the bodies has been to start putting on it is now she says. maybe she's trying to pretty herself up whenever we pull the camera out she runs to the water dish and dunks yourself we really don't know why. mincey is still practicing with have pressed the shaking at the moment she anywhere sit at home. this form of now we're going to make things a little tougher because. during today's training session when she is supposed to clamber over an obstacle. she makes sense and of course a successful attempt gets posted straight away until it and sometimes if they've had struggles will help other pet owners to make tough decisions. time doesn't want that because we want to show that a dog can have a happy life with three legs the dog shouldn't be put to sleep if they lose one life with a prosthesis can be normal but he isn't the be fest on. the onus think it will take their dog to just completely to new day in the meantime he will continue to share a fence that having just three legs doesn't have to slo