this is what remains of the bookstore in minia of the bible society of egypt.heir store in nearby ashute was also destroyed. >> for the last 150 years, we've been operating and we have book shops in cairo and alexandria and upper egypt, and it has never happened in the history. >> reporter: according to this egyptian website, more than 60 churches were attacked, from minia, alexandra, the suez, and throughout egypt. the rampage began after muslim brotherhood supporters used the churches as scapegoats for the army's decision to break up two brotherhood protest camps in cairo. they also blamed the church for participating in the ouster of president mohammed morsi. yet christians point out many of their muslim neighbors defended and protected them. they don't see this as a muslim against christian issue, but as the muslim brotherhood against the christians. and see even though they have been targeted, they are responding with forgiveness, pressing on in the face of persecution. >> we respond as every other christian has responded in egypt. we're in egypt to serve.