plans for the harvest, we will ask our observer alisa vysotskaya, as they say, the ministry of agriculture and food protectionlready completed the cf of early spring crops to the sowing goal, he is a long-hauled crop and spring slaves for other crops will be managed by may 20, especially since the sowing season is under personal control. at the head of state, his instruction also concerns the sowing of vegetables, corn, buckwheat. just planting potatoes, as they say, what you sow is what you reap, except for these works. we are now intensively feeding our winter crops. the first one we spent 100% nitrogenous fertilizers. means, now we are actively conducting the second top dressing, we will finish it in the near future, and we are also carrying care work and, in particular, we are working with winter crops for pests and accomplices in corn, about 1,000 hectares have been added to the level of last year. basically. she will go strong. to provide livestock with grassy fodder, spring field work creates an agro- economic balance. the future harvest is planned to repeat the achievement of the last season, and this