form of belief , moral, skill, biological, physical discussion and the same topics that the ministry of rebellion is usually obliged to implement this law. and we are also in non-government schools next to politics we know this in our tree of the announcements made by the specialized deputy heads of regulation, and the feet of these specialized deputy heads are on their agenda next to the non-starting schools of this document , so that some of our non-government schools may be ahead of the month. they are also on the move, and god willing, we will be able to achieve all the goals of the fundamental transformation document, god willing, with the interaction, synergy, and convergence that will happen , god willing. believer of islamic morals the unknown scientific fields of the entrepreneur are very worthy of this index and shujaal, what programs follow these indicators to be realized . this curriculum that should be implemented in schools should have all these indicators directly and indirectly in its programs. some of these issues are in the form of scientific issues in textbooks for all students