tarych, at the end of the revolution: the right-wing actors are moving to muskva, in charge of the minkholds the red square you know the kurds theater near kramli. among other things, he would be the worst of the first, who in the special scene of lenin himself, was already blessed this entire month in the wake of the death of ilyich. anyway, i’ll hurry up and the theaters will cover up the hole. tarych, of course. what's new in the art i'm going to have a wonderful future and move to this new place. you're in pain, i 'll hurry up with the secrets. byavik on the topic of revaluation. eight. what will be seen in the professional proletarian clubs, the films they release adzin after adzin, they perform for screenwriters, then they acquire and rezhysura, they are self-sufficient, because they never studied, and they raptam and yago turned from the tsikavay pra panovay, yashche ў 1924 the beldzyarzhkino trust was created, it was built b, yon have all the ўmovy for the smoke of the blockbuster, the pear paddrymka ўrad of the bssr, the daily... і galoўnaya peepers, yakі otsyarplіva chak your films