and in fact, in his famous poem "hiawatha," he said, i see many -- minnehaha./ she was the virtual representation. so the end result, again, or ironically, one of the end results was that it was well intentioned, he was a senator who created this bill, but what it did was it was intended to provide citizenship for native americans. each native american would be given 160 acres. if they proved they worked it, they would he come citizens. what happened is that these lands were held by the tribe were then broken into 160 acre parcels. there were some parcels that were not claimed and white settlers came in and took those, or they would buy the 160 acres from the native americans from a very reduced price, and the reservations were gutted because of the act. while the intention might have been good, the result was horrific, it was disastrous. just another further irony of this attempt to gain equal rights for native americans was misused and abused and resulted in perpetuation of their inferior status as opposed to what it was intended to do. people go back and look and say that this was incredible t