office across the street with minola. minola would fix him a drink usually, a drink of scotch, might not. might start with a red wine, the only two things he drank. he didn't drink a lot but would have one cocktail and red wine with dinner. minola fixed him dinner and sat there the way you're sitting there, with his coat on. he never, never, never took his jacket off, even on the hottest washington d.c. night. in a chair and wrote with his -- wrote with a yellow pad, ideas, things that would be relayed to alderman the following morning. all this stuff. then he'd eat his dinner at a little table and have his wine and might go down and bowl a line. there was a single lane or double lane bowling alley in the e.o.b. i don't know if it's still there, he would go home around 10e:30, 10:45 and never went home until he went to the residence. >> what are you thinking as you watch the former military man mr. butterfield. >> one of the things we don't -- those of us outside of a white house, we don't really know how it works. and to