minomotu himself gave me cards for the provision of services, which ones, a translator, of his own freeask." and if you want, you can lick some h2o off the walls, you won't get drunk, of course, but what i didn't understand, you'll understand now, hotap, well , has he come to his senses, please, that's it it seems like a real faint, i wonder what he told her, potapav? what did he tell her? yeah, well that's what i thought, he told her, konetewa, which means hello in japanese, well, why are you silent, go on telling us, kolya, and the story borya , get out your handkerchief, these two japanese, when they were still studying at the same university, fell in love with one japanese girl. she was beautiful, like a sakura branch, and she couldn't choose between them, she liked one, then the other, that's how girls are, yeah, suddenly this girl dies, some kind of terrible, fast illness, but before borya died she managed to give both of them medallions with her portrait and basho's poems. do you know who basho is? he is the japanese pushkin, from whom they both went crazy, and even on her deathb