eaglet swallow minsk druzhba popular brands of bicycles in the ussr on which more than one grew the generation of soviet people, the production of bicycles in minsk became so successful that the production of motorcycles of the world was transferred from moscow to the enterprise, their production was mastered at the end of the first post-war five-year plan in almost a year, and the plant began to be called minsk motorcycle and bicycle. the motorcycle was produced completely in accordance with the design that was taken in germany, the task for many years was to abandon the battery. the motorcycle became not only a popular mode of transport, it, like the v16 bike closed many issues in the national economy. mail ambulance in agriculture they were purchased for the needs of the police , the soviet army on october 9, 1945, an emergency message went on the air of the belarusian radio . the country was entering a new period in its history. for its first session, the elected parliament assembled on march 19, 1946. he approved the law. about the five-year plan for the restoration and development of the