3 peace, don’t even ask, you, yes you, you are my sponsors, you don’t even ask us that we are for minskrirritory at all the question being considered is who is rasmu and which is rasmuso? what are you, we are not even ready to teach you, it’s none of your business, i said, i’ll ask you a simple question: you are the person who is financing this project, and here comes this misunderstanding, which puts forward some conditions, you have two options, here elect a person who has no conditions, or choose from a person whose conditions are high and a small cart, well, tell me, who will you bet on? well, it seems to me that this is an absolutely obvious thing, why and who entered into conflict in a severe conflict, he entered into conflict with the military, yes, that is, the political leadership of the country is in conflict with the military leadership of the country, this causes tension in the country, how can it be relieved ? the president's office has simple solutions, it 's not by chance that they call it the office of simple solutions, they say so, let's shoot first we’ll put all of zaluz