rising so we'll look at the toll of too much debt still and ask how we reach the event horizon of a minsky's singularity sucking us into a black hole of all consuming debt i know pretty please let's move on because u.k. authorities opened a criminal probe into the attempted rigging of live war and u.s. bank regulator warns banks are taking in chris priest risks and their search for yield thanks to those banks there they go again you can never escape it there. manipulating markets profiting from ponzi schemes and gambling on higher prices yet they're ignored in the models of economists who influence policy so how is this possible exactly well try to explain let's get to today's capital account. all right you heard the headlines a lot of debt throughout them throughout the news throughout the world so how do you know if we are approaching a point of no return when it comes to debt well how do you know when you're approaching a black hole in space well there's the black hole and then there's this take a look. around that it's an invisible shill called live in horizon. this is the cosmic point o