. -- with minutae we would have forgotten. rarely did he give up. he would wander on and off the senate floor and in and out of meetings, and someone would be arguing, and he would make a comment about, i am see we are making progress. he knew just when to bring humor into the room when things were getting to a crawl. and when -- getting difficult. mark hattfield had a longstanding and firm point of view on issues around the death penalty, and on of variety -- vietnam -- and dole would know the line you could not cross a bridge the new members who have views that were formerly held. -- he knew memebebers have views that were firmly held. dole was trying to work out a consent agreement with senator byrd. he was the majority leader at the time. senator byrd was in the minority. senator dole gave the senator byrd the consent agreement. -- agreeing to a set of rules that would allow us the order of amendments and so on. senator byrd, who is a very formal person and felt strongly about personal relationships, took the consent agreement and went into his