bundling, the veracious appetite for episodic tv, at the end of the day as we sit in miramax -- miramaxother sil o, intellectual property is the real estate of the future. you're selling ultimates, discounted cash flow of those values based on customers, those customers happen to be a litany of new digital recipients. rob is right on the precipice of being a dealer of content, owner of a distribution entity, as a whole industry as unbundling. who is the winner at the end of the day here? is it cable? is it the retailers? distribution? is it the manufacturers? who wins? >> i think ultimately it will be the content providers, whatever they look like, whether it's the actual initial content providers or story tellers like me, or if it's the people who really finally figure out how to watch day and date on your smartphone. that's the real question who will emerge from that world. what is interesting from me that people don't think about, when you can binge watch "house of cards" or unbreakable kimmie schmit or all of these shows that two years ago would have been on cable or network televis