police say 22-year-old elyette barbour was arrested days after his 18-year-old wife miranda. she was initially picked up for luring a man to his death with a craigslist ad. she claims she met with victim, the man you see here, and that he tried to grope her while they were driving in her car. she says she then stabbed him, but never mentioned that her husband was hiding in the backseat. and he later told police that on his wife's signal, he wrapped a cord around the victim's neck, restraining him, while she stabbed him. horrible story. police say they apparently wanted to kill someone together. fox news legal analyst, doug byrnes, defense attorney and former prosecutor. what have we come to in our society? if any of this pans out to be true, that you just kill somebody together because you want to? >> apparently they've been planning to do this for a while. they just had to find somebody. they found this guy because he answered the ad. and they -- so that's from a prosecutor's standpoint, that's great, in quotes, gretchen. that means premeditation. they premeditated. they kne