the members recommended for appointment are scott falcon, miranda martin and gloria molt. a recommendation and a second? thank you. a reading by the -- beyond what i've already read? o.k. so what i read will go into record. and then i don't have any public speakers at this time speaking on this matter. do you have -- on this item? no, that's not what we're talking about. and then any comments from the board or superintendent? no? commissioner fewer? commissioner fewer: thank you, president mendoza. as a parent who wrote the resolution to have the parent advisory council and created it, i'm thrilled we're getting new parents to be on it and i didn't envision it would be as successful and last as long and be funded for such a long time but as a parent advocate, thrilled whenever i see a friend that steps up for this volunteer service so, scott, pleasure to see that you've joined this great group of parents under the great guidance of ruth and also just want to say, welcome to miranda and gloria, also, and hope to work closely with you. thank you. commissioner mendoza: thank