next speaker. >> miriam goldman brian ruben, kristin lecky, raphael >> hi, i'm miriam goldman. i'm a ucff ph.d. student and i go on haight street every day to get to ucff mission bay. i have almost been hit on the street many times. i bike early in the morning. a protective bike lane would keep me safe as a bike rider who rides there every day. i really really support this. i live on page street. this is the best way i have to get to work. please support this. thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> brian ruben. kristin raphaela elizabeth. >> good afternoon. my name is brian ruben. i live at 1162 page street. i'm going to keep this brief. i love living on page street. i love how opulent it is, and most importantly i love how easy it is for me to get to school every day using page street. and for this reason, it really hurts my heart every day to just wonder if this is going to be it, if this is going to be the day that some car decides to make a right turn without signaling and that's it. and sitting here and listening to several of the concerns that residents particu