joining me, two more voices from the hoosier state, miriam weaver and amy joe lark, run the website chicksn the right and host a radio talk show by the same name. miriam, what do you make of what we saw in that piece. some republican women considering voting for secretary clinton if donald trump is the republican nominee. is that something you're hearing from listeners in indiana as well? >> we're hearing that a little on our website, not so much the listening audience, but we're kind of mortified by it because, you know, as troublesome as trump is to both of us and to many women across our state, we still believe he is a better alternative than hillary, absolutely. >> and amy jo, what are women listeners saying about the woman card comments, if anything at all? >> the woman card not so much. we don't hear that a lot. i think we get more feedback about hillary and women playing the woman card with hillary, i am going to vote for hillary because she's a woman and voting because of lady parts and what not. we are troubled a bit by comments that, you know, trump, he has stuff that's disconcer