third party has consistently done work for verizon in the park, freemont, berkeley, santa barbara and mirincounty and we say that they are not a third party they are a bias for securing more business with them and have a conflict of interest. the exposure limits that verizon limits are obsolete. if you take a look at analogy of a microwave you are going to get measurements and you cannot relate those to an understanding. a oven is 100 watts approximately on average in the kitchen and it is shielded and it cooks the food faster than a conventional, the facility is 3,000 watts. of very directional and very intense, microwave radiation. and the fcc limit is 566 mili watts per square inch. that is equivalent, on the same level of the ground level of 25 ovens and you have in the documents stated as the 0.0012 mili watts at ground level, well, that is per square centimeter, the human body is 20,000, that is 24 watts hitting the human body and the equivalent of a microwave on defrost and you just open it up and put in your hands and that is on defrost. we have a problem. >> is my time up? >> thank