supervisor mirkairmi. supervisor mirkarimi: mr. harington, if we can circle back with you. >> supervisor. supervisor mirkarimi: the whole go solar program, i may have been out during the public safety committee for the few moments you started on this, but if we could back to the math of the dollars that roll over unspent into next year, this year to next year, go over with me quickly what the budget looks like that is unspent in moneys that would roll over for the next year, year and a half, however. >> certainly, supervisor. the budget has been $5 million a year for three years so it's been $15 million altogether. we've spent -- actually, we've request -- had request for $13.3 million, and then there's about $300,000 administrative costs over the three years. and that's on one of your slides. we've actually paid out $11 million so there's $2.3 million that's been requested. those jobs are still ongoing that haven't been paid yet and that leaves about $1.4 million