took someone to court or performed crisis intervention or helped them relocate -- supervisor mirkarimsupervisor et unique victims or multiple contacts with one victim? >> it can be either. we never take victims out of the system. also in 2009 we served 4477 victims and witnesses, you can see the breakdown of the majority of crimes there. as you can see, most of them are fault cases followed by domestic violence. in 2008-2009, victims received almost $4 million. as i indicated, we have staff that helps them to fill out the indicate -- applications for analysis and processing. in terms of cultural competency, we have the language that you see on the overhead. those are languages that are spoken by the whole of the district attorney's office. we have advocates that can speak to them. in addition we have a language line permitting us to talk to victims in any language. in terms of cultural competency, advocates are trained periodically so that they can relate to different cultures. the final scream is simply contact -- the final screening isn't the contact information. >> i know that the district a