the suitability of such seizure dry miroshnikov has many questions for them.oshnikov teach leadership while sitting abroad? the university could not have known about this. and who, in fact, turned a blind eye to the anti-russian lessons in fact, we are dealing with a situation where i move the universities. we have an ngo npo that is engaged in the promotion of certain ideologies and the solution of certain ideological tasks, which, in fact, are engaged in work with youth is completely destructive. and why be surprised at the university private decisions on the creation in the ninety -first george w. bush signed the senior mikhail gorbachev, the political mood, then changed, but it’s not the policy of the university that students’ complaints about anti-russian minded teachers and the dean’s office are ignored. and here i was wondering how to respond to the prosecutor’s office’s check, and i realized that there was no point in complaining to the dean, because a lot of students complained about him one way or another , the russian ignored him, as for student mik