mirren newsom did set a goal of our city being 100% renewable power in the next 10 years, and mayor li has in forethought with the task force looking at how we are going to get there. goomaking sure that is part of r system is going to help reach that goal. good when other elements i wanted to mention, the electric vehicle chargers, this is also another critical element of our infrastructure, and the cars and plugged in are also helping reduce our gas emissions. statewide is becoming cleaner and cleaner, so cars are helping me the carbon emission reduction goals. i want to thank all the departments who have participated. i want to thank bob hayden, who has been essential as well as many of the conditions today, dpw, rec and park, the airport, all of those who have seized this opportunity, so i wanted to thank the assemblywoman as well as the leadership to see that we become the electric vehicle capital in the u.s. >> that concludes our event for today. we're going to be available for questions, so thank you for coming. >> of the community clean team gathered in district 11. after the r