internal tyranny fights, that is, it fights against england, mirza kochik khan takes a new dimension against this. mirza kochakhn, who considers himself a constitutionalist, is the medicine for the country's pain he sees the formation of a republic. and after the capture of roshd in august 1300 , he formed the councilorial republic of gilan. what are the demands of the jungle movement? they say sir, we want to change the monarchy system to what system? republic based on religious and islamic teachings. the formation of the republic of gilan did not mean separatism or autonomy, and mirza wanted to expand this republic to all of iran. because mirza cannot provide this idea in iran at all due to the conditions of that day, he feels that mr. gilan has the ability to become a model and then provide this model to iranian society. available and therefore this is his effort it is not to create an autonomy like gilani. caucasus communists with presence and declaration of existence in rasht mian in rasht is actually a morning coup. they are also publishing a magazine called communism . let me tell you, the professionalis