. -- faulty assumptions and miscaluclations. whatever economists you are talking to, i suggested they go to main street, because 74% of the american people think we are going in the wrong direction. what is it you are not hearing? i would love to take you on a street tour. i have invited you before. i think you need to listen to the average american and what they are facing on main street, which is the decimation. these are all temporary -- that is the point. when-year tax policies are not going to make a major difference. some of those initiatives are worthwhile, but the bottom line, given the mixed message coming hard this administration on tax and a regulatory policy, they don't dare -- i am hearing from everybody, regardless of the side -- i am not making it up. i did not make it up in february, i did not make it up last year. i am trying to get the administration to concentrate on jobs, jobs, jobs. i don't know who you are talking to, i don't know who the president is talking to, but you need to talk to the average person,