the end of this week's episode of equal africa i hope you've enjoyed our reports on this work mischa teves big project and dedicated people thank you so much for joining us and will be looking forward to seeing it again next week i am somewhat we know go here in kampala so long by by. by sandra and goodbye everybody out there i hope to see you all next week in the meantime you can all the 1st at our website social media channels i am chris elapse signing up for take us a hot. dog. in the eye of climate change. the soon. to be. what do you is today. now for future. d.w. dot com african american cities for the melting it is clear the term. train kids may love flashing wigs extravagant outfits and glitter glitter glitter. fighting against prejudice i don't hold a boy. for recognition. of stars the big stage. trench it starts may 17th on w. d some or your 5 keys to safer food. keep clean to prevent contamination looks. great draw and cook foods to avoid cross contamination. cooks thoroughly to kill microorganisms. keep food it safe temperatures. to prevent bacterial growth. use safe water and