misem ebrahimzadeh, sed and broadcasting news agency, became the city. peyman faces great challenges and troubles due to financial problems to the point where they all lose their lives. the story of those who decide to do risky things to solve their own problems. the profile of the bloody crocodile has come to be the most hilarious movie in the comedy genre directed by javad ezzat and produced by kamran hejazi , who was able to win the best first director award at the 4th fajr simorgh crystal film festival. javad ezzati for the movie bloody crocodile, i wanted to make a film that would actually be suitable for the audience . it started at the end of march last year, it managed to record the highest sales of a movie on the first day by attracting 18,000 viewers on the first day. i liked a story very much in these 10 years recently, i think it was one of the best satires in which akhalam had respected the movie bloody crocodile, in the continuation of public screening in cinemas across the country , it also broke the daily and weekly sales quota of iranian