thank you very much for your thoughts, miss bedia, if you could please stay with us. as we also have professor foad isadi, political analyst, professor at tehran university, who is also with us. thank you very much uh, professor ezedi for joining us. now, in your opinion, how uh, do you expect uh other uh, palestinian groups and factions to react to this assassination? do you believe that this cowardly act from the part of the zionist regime will create? more division or will it unite the palestinians? i think it will unite the palestinians more. i think palestinians are united as we speak, you saw the palestinian ambassador at the united nations few hours ago at the security council meeting that was requested by iran, she was sitting next to the iranian ambassador, you is associated with the palestine. authority which is different from hamas or islamic jihad, but if you had a representative of hamas, islamic jihad writing that speech, i don't think you would see much difference, so there is this level of unity, i think the people who taught in among palestinian polit