. >> they were able to force and see miss kanakanucha laying on the floor and they found him in the back bedroom watching t.v. and drinking beer. >> i feel bad for the lady and it's so sad. >> reporter: once again, he is held without bail tonight. he's due back in court next month. live in lynn tonight. jim smith wbz news. >>> a dorchester man is behind bars on charges of dragging two police officers with his car. last night officers say they pulled him over- and as they started talking to him he started to take off and dragged them. >> the mayor signed an orders of confiscating fake guns. the federal law requires toy guns to have a bright orange tip on the end but that can easily be painted or broken off. the entire body of ever toy gun to be either bright orange or pink. >>> a crash in which two people died landing in the river. police say this car was not part of the recall in which they were suddenly accelerating. it crashed into the cregy bridge into the barrier and went into the river. we were told it was not built to protect a car or a truck. >>> more training in recognizing and p