commissioner renne: the second section was not before the middle of court -- the missoula court and haso relationship to the meaning of the conduct which falls below the standard of decency, good faith, and right action. chairperson hur: certainly, if we were to follow option 1, which is what you are advocating, then there would not be a nexus requirement to the relation of the duty. in my common-sense view, does domestic violence fall below my standard of decency that i expect of public officials? yes. but i do not think that is what we are being asked to apply. if we do not find a nexus to the relationship of the dutyx%s, thn we are opening this provision up to abuse and manipulation down the road by -- in a way that we are not really going to like. i have grave concerns about what the next case looks like unless we interpret this in a way that i think the voters intended and that is narrow and understandable for elected officials. >> if i may just add one thing. one issue that has been brought up consistently, particularly in public testimony, is the issue of fairness. i think we all