missy pendleton's family says it took nine surgeries to save her. >> i miss waking up in the morning and going to see all the animals. >> 12-year-old missy pendleton won't be working the farm for quite a while. she just spent a month in the hospital fighting a flesh-eating bacteria. she got it at home in the barn. >> i tripped backwards over a sheep skin and i fell. i cut my knee open. >> a doctor stitched her up. her mom says it wasn't unusual. >> but two days later, her leg was changing color. a trip back to the er started the fight to save her life. >> we were told that if they didn't take her by ambulance to the hospital, she wouldn't have the leg today. >> crews air lifted oakland to oakland children's hospital where surgeons operated immediately telling michelle and tom pendleton, the seventh graders life is on the line. >> he basically said, look, i'm not going to sugar coat this. she is not just fighting for her leg, she is fighting forher life right now. >> this is the scariest thing i've ever gone through. >> doctors performed nine surgeries in one month, trying to cut the