(laughter) - mister findlay? - yes, misses findlay? or should i say ex-misses findlay? or semi ex-misses findlay? - walter, what are you doing? - what does it look like, i'm wetting my whistle. would you like me to wet yours? - walter, let's talk about it. - oh go sit in your seat in the senate. - walter, how can i help you if we don't talk? - you can't. eh, that suddenly makes me feel good. telling you there's something you can't do, because you think you can do everything. - [maude] no, i don't. - yes, you do maude, everything you know, like run for office, move to albany, live without me. walk around with a dry whistle. (laughter) - walter, it hasn't been proven that i can live without you. ll write to my senator. and until you're elected, leave me alone, okay? hey kathy, kathy! let's go some place and play whiffle ball. - whiffle ball, hey, that's heavy. - happy anniversary to all and to all a good night! - hey, i didn't know you were a whiffle baller. (laughter) - hey maudie, i'm going with, with walter, he needs me to take care of him. - arthur, you're not in such