griffin, i respectfully want to bring up what the chairman >> thank you mister chairman. dr. griffin, i want to bring up what the chairman brought up earlier. we received the testimony at 9:20 am, that makes it difficult for us to do our job. this seems to be becoming more commonplace from the dod, that we do not get the testimony in a timely matter. you gave the example of the drones, the undersecretary and the four-star general that you were with, that neither one of you had the authority to do what both of you thought needed to be done with regard to the procurement, potentially wargames with drones. my question gets back to, is that real or perceived that you don't have the authority? show me the language that prohibits you from doing what you and the four-star want to do and i think you would find the committee willing, in a bipartisan matter, to remove that language from the law. >> sir, first of all, i again apologize for being late with the testimony and i will work to see that that never happens again. the fault is mine and i will remedy it. with regard to, there is n