. - hello, mister hurley. - well, ready to go on? - no, it's no use, mister hurley. i i'm convinced that i didn't even see the license number. - you mean you've convinced yourself. - possibly. - not possibly, that's what saw it. you know you'll remember it if we keep on. - i'm not gonna do it. will you please get out of here and leave me alone? - i haven't wasted all these days to bring you this far and then drop it. - i tell you, i don't want to go on with it anymore. - well, that's because there's something blocking your memory. something that hurts you to remember, some guilt. - guilt? - yes, and you've got to face up to it, then it won't be a block any longer. - if that's all it is, i i don't need you. i don't need to remember it eventually without you. - but, i want to be here when you do. - but, why? - because i deserve to be! you couldn't have done it without me. dana, listen. listen, dana, we must go on. you want to find the person who killed laura, don't you? - don't listen to him, dana, there's something wrong with him. - i don't want to, mother, but he's r