so as mister lundy says, i didn't make that list, it has to be one of the two prosecutors. >> one was that not there on the day it was dropped. only mister monier was but that's not mister linear thought process of this definite no list and i don't see that that gets you to clear error in the striking mister hood or miscarriage area. >> and it now denies a false statement, the reason that's given, one of the reasons of garrett being struck is that our cousin was arrested. and then the prosecutor doesn't know that at the time . he doesn't know until after the voir dire that the person was could that possibly be a reason at the time of the question? >> i don't think the record bears that out. the highlighted notes that the justice wants to say this were used during the strike, in those notes and this is joint appendix 256, angelas written out beside miscarriage name. in mister lundy's nose where he said he wrote down things he knew prior to the strike, prior to what he knew about individual jurors, hero down as to marilyn garrett, angela garrett is the cousin so mister line