mister martin? your honor commercial resupply services, dated april 26, 2018, space x average price per kilogram will increase approximately 50 % under crs-2. while orbital 80 kay's average per kilogram price, decreasing by roughly 15 %". the major difference between these contracts on the usability. >> my question is this, are you concerned about whether taxpayers? >> steve could probably answer this more specifically, i believe there's a slight reduction in the area, 3-7 % for the use of the reuse rocket. at -- it's happened once this month, twice so far for the commercial cargo, there's this slight reduction. this is a safety issue, the launch services that people need to assess the specific rocket, and the series of rockets before they authorize the launch. >> well, since mister martin pointed the finger at you, what would your insight be? >> the insight, i think he is right with respect to the marginal cost reduction, the usability of the first stage of the falcon nine and working toward using,