my question for the former prosecutors for doj will start with mister ups, mister norton. what communications or information would you seek to learn whether the intent of the procurement business and the abortion clinic was to profit from selling baby body parts?mister sue po, let's startwith you . >> put on your mic. >> i pressed the button and then it went off. well, miss some of that evidence is already in this record. i've heard again, everyone quickly rushing to insist that these videotapes are just a safe, deceptively prepared. in other words, do what we are extremely at that doing, this industry which is deflecting and everyone else is at fault. let's shift the focus so everyone focused on hey, what these videos did and what this person said, how he prepared the videos.but those videos were posted, all of those videos were posted and there are some things that when peoplesay them on tape , it doesn't matter what they didn't say or did say elsewhere. if someone is saying that would be good and were talking about profiting from this and they're talking about that, that