. >> thank you mister o'callaghan. we will jump straight in to questions today. ahead. >> have there been suggestions that the president does in fact suffer from heart disease as his chart as indicated yesterday. does the white house stand by doctor jackson's report? >> absolutely. doctor jackson has been a white house physician for the last 12 years. trusted by president bush, president obama and now president trump. he is the only doctor that has weighed in on this matter that has actually examined the president. i think a doctor that has spent the amount of time with the president as doctor jackson has is not only the most qualified but the only credible source when it comes to diagnosing any health concerns and we support what he said yesterday 100 percent that the president is in excellent health and i think he exhausted just about every question that you guys had and it showed probably he's in pretty goodhealth to to stand up here for an hour and take questions . >> not too long ago when senator jeff flake again denounced the president, this time likening h