. >> now mister raven i wanted to ask you a couple of questions. given that no witness on the panel has firsthand knowledge of how these exhibits were created or the underlying facts captured in any of them, do you think it's appropriate for the witnesses to speculate about possible criminal misconduct based on those documents? >> i think calling it speculation is entirely accurate. it would be per pure speculation. >> you heard in his testimony , you heard mister lemon testified that not based on his experience as a prosecutor that he believed that these documents in and of themselves not only establish probable cause but beyond a reasonable doubt. what is your opinion of that analysis? >> i be a little frightened if that were the in which we live. >> lie question mark. >> several reasons. the context in which all of these facts, and i don't have to go back to 1000 although i think that is just in the last ... >> if you can be brief i only have five minutes. >> there's been a volume of inaccurate and deceptive information thrown at committees and