mister rosensweig? >> there's been one proposal by a colleague of mine to make people strictly liable for that. for myself, i would probably prefer a negligence standard over strict liability that i think what you are onto is the right economic answer which is putting the obligations on the least cost of later. one of the reasons i like my proposal of publication is it makes it impossible for anyone to maintain the idea of security for the social security number as an authenticator. probably would be another opportunity. >> what you think about that? >> cybercrime is a market-driven enterprise. cyber criminals are looking to steal things of value and the reason that cyber criminals are looking to steal social security numbers is in today's world, they have value because they can be used as an authenticator. one of the most practical ways to stop but that is due to the value what they're going after. and that is in general a much more practical mechanism at scale than trying to have the world -- >> i've