. >> to both of you, mister sam and i am very aware that the often visible leadership of the movement to end mass incarceration and doing what i do, doing a hard lift of the work, not always in front of the mic, sometimes you don't know their names. sometimes you don't know their bodies. i have the privilege to work with these many folks so i wonder what he would talk about what women need to be supported in doing their work of ending mass incarceration and ensuring the community that is just as safe for our families. you want to take the first shot? >> my book is primarily on the experience of black men in the criminal justice system and i framed the book in that way because the book was inspired by my experiences working as a civil rights lawyer representing victims of racial profiling in the overwhelming majority of people who were being stopped and frisked, black and brown men and since publishing the book and while writing it i am very much aware there was an untold story in the experiences of women in our prison system but also the experience of women doing time on the outside,