she so, not surprisingly,ut a woman in charg of the gender mistry, which reallmeans women's mistry. minister glord said women's groups mushroomed in liria after the war to fill e vacuum that was created by the absence of govnment. >> for the first timen the history of ts country, women are all over the place. we try to let them know tat we are not competing. just want to cplement one another's efforts, and we hope that will see us as a fure partner and we nd to work together. reporter: for some men, tha panership is already flourishing. >> we support thewomen strongly. >> reporter: and in th country where meand boysave alwa had priority, presiden johnson-sirleaf's abolished fees for pimary schools thelp expand thed kaucation of gis. she vowed to end the scourge of ra and for her lawyer base o market women, she fixed up th markets where th sell their goodand earn a living >> this is an example our children. >> your dahter could be president. >>y daughter could be president. >> reporter: h many of you wod like to be predent? oh, the girl, yeah! wod you have said that before president