when you are down the hall in the briefing room, you are removed enough from it that there is enough mistry they create a sense of grandeur that inevitably doesn't exist to the extent you imagined it. it is a handful of people sitting in the offices sorting out policy options for incomplete information coming from abroad in a crisis. and, trying to get to the decision point. that struck me. the intimacy of it. what also struck me, the scale. >> and the president deals with everything. >> and every challenge that arises, natural disaster, an event overseas, a scandal in congress, they are all something he has to answer for. the press secretary has to answer for it too. what i learned was the scope of questions i might get asked on any given day. we were imagining with the subjects might be. >> did you have a problem in the white house with not having access, not being at the meeting, not having access to the way decisions were being made and conversations about making policy? rather than someone saying this as we will need to say. >> the answer is no. i didn't have a problem. when i came in