a domears of may ha en thenvisible war about sexual alt in e mitary hased tewuls for hdlinguch abusewell tntroductio of federal leslion. e need ithe military and independent prosecut to hale se abuse cases andneed incread phasis on vle prentionndduti. at ry elys chilen begaabsorbing traditial asmptions about e legitimac ofe sexualggression and ivlization oit csequences. we need to alt tse assumptiand enure cts ce rwd wita diert meage. finalylee say arief word outearancebi. thiss not a thet cric iues fangomen b een's ment has acal me the asprre over e st c. anmetisurg the obmas gwnwors mo hf women are ssated withheir bs ich isigr thaa quartecenturago. ndfteroney, men's appearance isheirreatest socef ssisction. betyaye on skideep b the ost itssuito mu llw seomweli n mnd hogilleiexomp tlettra meen intagless apyabccstaetelss gfrei hed omess lon appmo ht xpf b mathstbo om fancarti.me ngotuaame oiscuh pes en ra tch bon'am sis hfoigcyis inoremisst ss ryoos o suro a s no bas the da v o veorf wen iv crehatpr pti sra izakhovau iorma arsienwo o t as mafiltleelana b t ourer lduttme is iason tulldo a