host: mitch ceasar? guest: i want to thank michael for calling in.rseas jobs is one of the greatest problems we have with corporations sitting on the $2 trillion in cash. we want to boost up the unemployment -- the lanha -- the employment rate. we need corporations to let loose some of that money. the stock market is up, thankfully, and we are hopeful that once we get through some of the details of these bills that drop rates -- job rates will improve. host: on the front page of "the wall street journal" this morning, they talk about demand for american soybeans, cars, the selections, and even art work. is there any way that the democrats will be able to take some credit for this and help improve the position as they move forward? guest: we have not been very successful taking credit for any of the things we have done in the past two years. hopefully we will get better for that because things are up on -- are on the upturn. palin will attack us because they did not go up high enough. that is why the american public is so frustrated. host: mitch ceasa