one day, he climbed... >> mitch landrieu: put me out to play? he truth-- you put me in a harness. ( laughter ) >> verna landrieu: well... well... >> mitch landrieu: you tied me to the porch, and put me in a harness out there. >> verna landrieu: well, i tied you down there in the harness, because you... he kept running into the street. but he was just one... you know, he was just constantly moving and-- and friendly. and so, i mean, he's got his hands full, but he loves it. >> pitts: he's always been that way? >> verna landrieu: always, since the day he's born, absolutely. >> pitts: after katrina, the landrieu home, like so many others, stood in nearly seven feet of floodwaters. >> mitch landrieu: the damage that was caused down here was not caused by a natural disaster; it was caused because the levees broke. and the levees were owned, engineered, and operated by the federal government. >> pitts: but this year, new orleans will have added protection when hurricane season starts. the u.s. army corps of engineers is finishing 120 miles of walls and