. >> mitch zeller works for the u.s. food and drug administration. that's the government agency that regulates tobacco products. >> what we've learned is if you talk to kids about the long-term health effects of cigarette smoking -- cancer, lung disease, heart disease, addiction -- they tune it out. >> and that's why it's so important to tell teens about the immediate dangers of smoking -- things like your clothes smell, you're spending all of your money, your teeth and fingers can get yellow, and you're gonna have a hard time keeping up with the other kids in sports. so, these are problems that can happen no matter how young you are. >> and that strategy seems to be working. over the past 20 years, there's been a decline in the number of teens who smoke. our mission is to get that number all the way down to zero because nothing good can come from smoking. >> it's really unhealthy for them, and they're damaging their internal system and even their external system, as well. >> they'll probably end up with lung cancer. >> i would tell them not to smoke