boy boy oh boy you know talk about a rousing call to arms there mitchy i mean you could have at least tried to show a little bit more excitement about your agreement that sends billions to your corporate benefactors while throwing all the rest of the leftovers but maybe maybe you know maybe mitch wasn't excited because he knew all was not going to plan maybe he knew that as of this broadcast 3 republican senators tim scott ben sass and of course our old good buddy lindsey graham would be putting their foot on the neck of the agreement because it gives get this too much money to the unemployed so today let's take a deep dive into that stimulus that kept the us congress up all night and has senator lindsey graham's knickers in a twist as we start watching the hawks. go on a cd. player so let's see this is this. state see a. great city this least systemic dissent says the late show which. brings up the bill. welcome everybody to watching the hawks. and joining me now to help me break down the ins and outs of this 2 trillion dollar coronavirus stimulus bill that isn't quite there yet i gu