and i did an american version of miyazaki's film "my neighbors, the yamadas."is: what do you like best about animation? >> you can do and whole episode in an hour. -- a whole episode in an hour. i can drop my kids are fed school, go do that, and you are done. it feels like you are accomplishing that and then you are done. the challenge, i guess, is that i am very physical. i use my hands a lot when i am talking, so it feels strange when it is just your voice. that is the hard part. tavis: how you know when you are hitting the mark? in other words, delivering what you want to deliver. if you do not have any visual to play off of. it is just you and this microphone. you have to visualize what your doing, but there is not a visual. >> exactly. tavis: and you're not playing off anybody. >> no, you are just by yourself. i guess, it feels somewhat kind of musical. if i am not getting it right, i will have them give me reading. tell me how you want it to sound. some actors are offended by deaf. i am not. i'm just like, give it to me. -- some actors are offended by tha